Monday, June 7, 2010

Written words can change your way of thinking,your perceptions about life... one such book is The Alchemist.I think this is the book for a life time...."when you dream of something, all the universe conspires to fulfill that dream..." This book by Paulo CeolhoThe Alchemist - 10th Anniversary Edition, is a modern day cllassic, there is no doubt about it.If anybody has not read this book, one should read it atleast once.Written in  simple words, this magnificent  work  gives you a strong feeling of positivity, to live more meaningfully.....go read it....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I can watch this movie',Scent of a Woman, any number of times for the sheer acting skills of Al Pacino.As ever he is all over in this brilliantly made film.The most haunting moment of the movie  for me is where in a restaurant   Al shares a few dance steps with a beautiful girl and when she is leaving with her friend  Al says " you can live a lifetime in a moment".......simply  powerful and amazing movie....