Sunday, February 7, 2010


when someone says , 'I want to act'..... it sounds very strange to me , because at that very moment itself, that person is indulged in acting.....creating an impression,trying to creat a genuine interest in himself\ herself. People think that acting is some sort of a thing which you can start by making a posture or by saying a funny kind of thing in front of a few people or in front of a camera or a microphone....... The moment we start acting conciously,we loose our naturality.We all are basically actors. Very natural actors.We have this inbuilt system in ourself to react, to respond, to things.A good actor has a strong belief in his\ her self, in the character, they are projecting. Same way, in life,people , with strong convictions are the successful ones, in comparison to the people who have low self belief..........